

Price Info of GBPINR

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GBPINR Spot Rate Details

Contract Details of GBPINR

Trading Unit: 1 unit denotes 1,000 POUND STERLING. Underlying / Order Quotation: The exchange rate in Indian Rupees for Pound Sterling. Daily settlement: T + 1
Trading hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Contract trading cycle: 12 month trading cycle. Final settlement: T + 2
Last trading day: Two working days prior to the last business day of the expiry month at 12:30 pm. Daily settlement price (DSP): Calculated on the basis of the last half an hour weighted average price across exchanges. Final settlement day: The last working day will be the same as that for Interbank Settlements in Mumbai.
Mode of settlement: Cash settled in Indian Rupees Tick Size: 0.25 paise  or INR 0.0025 Final settlement price (FSP): Exchange rate published by RBI in its Press Release captioned RBI reference Rate for US$ and Euro

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